Formation1 November 2000
Major LanguageHindi
Official AnimalWild Buffalo
Official BirdHill Myna
State FlowerRhynchostylisgigantea
State TreeSal
Official DancePandavani, Rawatnacha
Major RiversIndravati,Shionath,Mahanadi
Major lakeGanga munda,Budhapara
High CourtBilaspur
Major FestivalGoncha
AirportSwami Vivekananda Airport (Raipur)
National Parks1) KangerGhati National Park ,
2) Sanjay National Park
3) Indravati National Park
4) Guru Ghasidas
5) Kanger Ghati
Wild Life SanctuaryBarnawapara WLS Achanakmar WLS
Tourist Places1) Raipur
2) Mainpat
3) Sirpur
4) Charre Marre waterfall
5) Dhamtari
6) Chitrakote falls
7) Bhilai
8) Jagdalpur
9) Chirmiri
10) Tirathgarh falls
11) Dantewada
12) Ghatarani falls
13) Malhar
14) Madku Dweep
15) Purkhauti
16) Muktangan
TemplesBhoramdeo Temple
Food1) Muthia
2) Aamat
3) Chila
4) Bhajia
5) Sabudhana kikichdi
6) Bara
7) Faraa
8) Tilgur
9) Khurma
10) Bafuri
Tribes Gond, Baiga, Munda and Muriya 


  1. State formed by the division of Madhya Pradesh : Chhattisgarh
  2. DakshinaKosala was the old name of  Chhattisgarh
  3. The region known as Dandaranya during the ancient period: Chhattisgarh
  4. The only state mining Tin Ore in India  : Chhattisgarh
  5. Large deposits of Coal, Iron ore, Limestone, Bauxite, Dolomite are found in several parts of  : Chhattisgarh
  6. The Indian state having the district named Korea : Chhattisgarh
  7. The State known as Tribal dominated state : Chhattisgarh
  8. Bharat Aluminium Company (BALCO) is situated in: Chhattisgarh (1965)
  9. VivekanandSarovar is a major lake in : Chhattisgarh
  10. HasdeoBango Dam is situated in : Chhattisgarh
  11. Teerathgarh Falls is situated in  : Chhattisgarh
  12. The famous waterfall ‘Chitrakot’ is at Indravati river in: Chhattisgarh
  13. State which leads in steel industry in India : Chhattisgarh
  14. Corba and Sippat Thermal power stations are situated in: Chhattisgarh
  15. First Indian State to form a State Level Cricket Academy: Chhattisgarh
  16. State known as Rice Bowl of Central India  : Chhattisgarh
  17. Indian state having the most number of private Universities : Chhattisgarh
  18. First Geothermal power plant will be set up at: Tattapani (Chhattisgrah)
  19. The name Chhattisgarh means: 36 forts
  20. Largest district in Chhattisgarh :Bastar
  21. Most profitable steel plant in India: Bhilai
  22. Bhilai Steel Plant was built with the help of : Russia
  23. First privatised river in India: Shionath
  24. The only jute industry centre in Chhattisgarh :Raigarh
  25. The headquarters of South East Central Railway Bilaspur
  26. The military operation as a part of anti-insurgency operations in Chhattisgarh to suppress Naxalites (2005): SalwaJudum
  27. The military operation against the Naxalit movement in Chhattisgarh (September 2009) : Operation Greenhunt
  28. NIT (National Institute of Technology) is situated at : Raipur
  29. Mahanadi originates from :Sihawa (Dhamtari, Dandakaranya)
  30. Achanakmar – Amarkantak biosphere reserve is situated in: Chhattisgarh
  31. Indira Gandhi Tiger Reserve is situated in Chhattisgarh
  32. Indravati Tiger reserve is situated in Chhattisgarh
  33. First Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh is AjithJogi