- State formed by the division of Madhya Pradesh : Chhattisgarh
- DakshinaKosala was the old name of Chhattisgarh
- The region known as Dandaranya during the ancient period: Chhattisgarh
- The only state mining Tin Ore in India : Chhattisgarh
- Large deposits of Coal, Iron ore, Limestone, Bauxite, Dolomite are found in several parts of : Chhattisgarh
- The Indian state having the district named Korea : Chhattisgarh
- The State known as Tribal dominated state : Chhattisgarh
- Bharat Aluminium Company (BALCO) is situated in: Chhattisgarh (1965)
- VivekanandSarovar is a major lake in : Chhattisgarh
- HasdeoBango Dam is situated in : Chhattisgarh
- Teerathgarh Falls is situated in : Chhattisgarh
- The famous waterfall ‘Chitrakot’ is at Indravati river in: Chhattisgarh
- State which leads in steel industry in India : Chhattisgarh
- Corba and Sippat Thermal power stations are situated in: Chhattisgarh
- First Indian State to form a State Level Cricket Academy: Chhattisgarh
- State known as Rice Bowl of Central India : Chhattisgarh
- Indian state having the most number of private Universities : Chhattisgarh
- First Geothermal power plant will be set up at: Tattapani (Chhattisgrah)
- The name Chhattisgarh means: 36 forts
- Largest district in Chhattisgarh :Bastar
- Most profitable steel plant in India: Bhilai
- Bhilai Steel Plant was built with the help of : Russia
- First privatised river in India: Shionath
- The only jute industry centre in Chhattisgarh :Raigarh
- The headquarters of South East Central Railway Bilaspur
- The military operation as a part of anti-insurgency operations in Chhattisgarh to suppress Naxalites (2005): SalwaJudum
- The military operation against the Naxalit movement in Chhattisgarh (September 2009) : Operation Greenhunt
- NIT (National Institute of Technology) is situated at : Raipur
- Mahanadi originates from :Sihawa (Dhamtari, Dandakaranya)
- Achanakmar – Amarkantak biosphere reserve is situated in: Chhattisgarh
- Indira Gandhi Tiger Reserve is situated in Chhattisgarh
- Indravati Tiger reserve is situated in Chhattisgarh
- First Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh is AjithJogi